Empower your business with WhatsApp, the world’s leading messaging platform, and streamline communication with your customers. Manage messages, automate responses, and engage customers in real-time, all from within a single platform.
At JMB Technology, we bring the power of WhatsApp to your business, allowing you to interact with customers in a way that's fast, effective, and personal. Whether you’re automating customer service or promoting new products, our integration simplifies every step.
Create a business profile with helpful information for customers like your address, business description, email, and website.
Use quick replies to answer common questions with pre-set messages. Save time by responding instantly to frequent queries.
Set up automated messages to greet customers when they first message you or let them know you're away from the office.
Organize your conversations by labelling them into categories like new customers, orders, or pending payments.
Track your performance by viewing message metrics like how many were sent, delivered, and read.
Send messages to multiple customers at once by creating broadcast lists, perfect for promotions or updates.
Sign up today to enhance your customer engagement through JMB Technology’s WhatsApp Business Integration.
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