At JMB Technology, we offer an enterprise-grade switching solution designed to meet the demanding needs of businesses and resellers alike. Offering advanced features with the ease of a simple-to-use portal, you don’t need to be an engineer to manage your call traffic.
With functionality like conditional routing, pre-connection greetings, and call recording, we’ve got you covered.
Although if you are technical, we offer all the advanced features you would expect, such as Custom SIP headers & manipulation, giving you the ability to fine-tune and customise your traffic to meet specific needs.
Additionally, our system is perfect for resellers looking to gain independence from their suppliers. With our Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) model, you can take full control of your telecom operations while maintaining the flexibility to use the carriers of your choice.
JMB Technology's Enterprise-Grade Switching delivers industry-leading performance, security, and scalability. Manage everything easily via our simple-to-use portal, no technical expertise required.
Set intelligent call routing based on time, location, or customer type with ease.
Engage callers with greetings or messages before the call connects.
Integrated voicemail with customizable settings for users or extensions.
Easily route calls through PSTN or SIP trunks for maximum flexibility.
Control the caller ID presented on outbound calls for a professional look.
Fine-tune SIP headers for third-party system integrations.
Modify SIP headers directly from our intuitive portal.
Enable call recording for compliance or quality assurance purposes.
Start your free, no-obligation trial today!
See our pricing*Free trial subject to the terms outlined in our Fair Use Policy